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An educational and persuasive strategic campaign.

  • Instagram

Mission & Purpose

Brand Style Guide

3 Developed Personas

This strategic campaign emerged from a literature review I wrote titled, "The Body Positivity Movement and Opportunities for Beneficial Instagram Engagement Among College-age Women." The research I collected for the literature review drove my goals for this campaign. 


#thereelyou is an educational, inspiring, & persuasive strategic campaign for companies and brands to integrate body positivity and body inclusivity into their content, specifically Instagram.

This will increase positive engagement, help in young women’s body image, and bring awareness to breaking female beauty standards throughout the media landscape. This campaign addresses the toxic and harmful Instagram content that promotes social comparison, negative body image, and weight stigma.


Building awareness and increasing integration of body positivity and body inclusivity on Instagram can be a cultural revolution for women whose bodies are under an immense amount of scrutiny. Women are so much more than bodies to be looked at.

This campaign involved research, concept ideation, brand development, logo creation, interview and survey completion, copywriting, wireframe development, social media graphic creation, user testing, poster mockups, and designing a final Ceros interactive guide. 

Content Collection

Content Inventory

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Low-Fidelity Wireframes


Interview Content

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Survey Infographic

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Ceros Guide User Testing

Overall Findings:

1. The guide was long enough and had enough of pages

2. Some of the animations on repeat were distracting and confusing

3. Some icons and items that were clickable weren’t obvious that they were clickable

4. The top feelings evoked: inspired, empowered, and curious

5. Content was organized well and easily digestible to users

6. Accent elements should be added to the design such as underlines, shadow, and strokes to separate items and distinguish levels of importance and flow to the pages

Instagram Graphic Examples

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Promotional Poster Mockups

Promotion poster 8.5 by 11.jpg
Promotion poster 8.5 by 11 copy.jpg
Promotion poster 8.5 by 11 copy 2.jpg
Promotion poster 8.5 by 11 copy 3.jpg
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